Quit Smoking and Vaping

stop smoking Wollongong

Do you find yourself:

If you answered yes to any one of these questions, you are ready to give up. 

Hypnotherapy is the most successful modality available. It has a proven success rate of approximately 97 %

Would you like to:

We all know that smoking / vaping is not good for us, and yet why do so many struggle to quit?

We know it is hurting our wallet, our health and sometimes our relationships.

Don't just take our word for it

Hear from some of our clients who’ve experienced our life changing program and are now happy, active, non-smokers.

How does it work

Our brains function on two levels: consciously and unconsciously. The conscious part of our brain influences the behaviour we are aware of, the decisions we make, we think and act using our conscious mind. The unconscious part of the brain is where it gets really interesting. This part of the brain processes millions of pieces of information all at once, our beliefs & reactions operate in this part of the brain.  The unconscious mind enables the functioning of our bodies and controlling behaviour we are not aware of – in other words, our habits.

So, what happens when we smoke or vape your subconscious mind becomes convinced that it is good for you. Even though you know consciously that there is no good reason to smoke or vape, your subconscious watches the pattern in your behaviour and locks in those patterns that it feels are helping you with something, such as boredom or stress or even just giving you pleasure or comfort. Once your subconscious has locked in those patterns to the point where they are automatic, it’s very hard to break them with your conscious willpower alone, because it’s almost like you have set up a tug of war in your mind, where you consciously make a decision to stop smoking, and your subconscious pulls in the opposite direction.

So, I will guide you to a deeply relaxed state (Hypnosis) and flip the idea that it is a good habit completely around gaining alignment with your conscious and subconscious mind, which supports your decision to stop smoking or vaping.

Right now, it may feel like you will never be able to break this habit, but I have helped so many people quit with a combination of Advanced Hypnotherapy and NLP. By reprogramming the habits that you have formed in your subconscious mind over many years. The session is tailored to meet your individual needs, getting to the core of your smoking or vaping triggers, and I tackle each of your reasons head on, I then replace them with positive outcomes that are beneficial to yourself and your life.  This enables you to get on with living the life you choose, and gives you back the control you want for yourself.

I only work with people who are dedicated to quitting and know that is what they want. If you have a clear vision of yourself living your life smoke or vape free, then you are a suitable candidate for Hypnosis.

This is no gimmick, and with the combination of Advanced Hypnosis and NLP, you can become a non-smoker or vaper for life.

Most clients do not feel any withdrawal symptoms or any type of cravings at all, which takes the pain out of quitting.

All smoking & vaping clients receive a recording & a Free APP (Smokers) on their phone, that is used as a tracking & motivational tool. I offer ongoing back up support and encouragement to all clients.

Tracy Moane

Why Book with Me ?

I have a proven track record of helping long term smokers & vapers quit for life, along with excellent testimonials.

My program works and is life changing. My attention to detail is second to none, and I pride myself on giving each of my clients the best therapeutic experience possible. I have devised a program that is person centered and highly effective. I perform all services to the utmost of professional standards.

I give my clients the tools to succeed and support them 100% throughout this journey.

Recommend 1- 3 sessions

Book in today for a free 20 minute consultation or your first session / program